AINBB registered athletes are subject to further checks during the year. These checks will be carried out by surprise through a draw or by lot using one of the following methods: 1) The Athlete must present himself at the established place with the option of being accompanied, on the agreed day. The AINBB covers the cost of collection and travel (maximum reimbursement of second class rail fare). The notice will be 24/48 hours depending on the distance of the athlete from the collection point. 2) The second eventuality foresees that the athlete will be subjected to the sampling directly by a person appointed by the specific Anti-Doping Commission at the gym to which he belongs or at his home (or another place agreed with the Commission itself). In this second possibility, no notice is necessary from AINBB to the interested party; in the event of your absence from the gym or home, the person in charge of the test will be able to decide whether to postpone it again unexpectedly or at a time to be agreed but not beyond 36 hours.
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